Now you can enjoy a wide variety of labels for just about anything in or around your home, office, school, and more, thanks to Brother adhesive label tape.
You’ll love the simplicity and ease of use of this colorful label tape, along with its superior compatibility with a large range of P-Touch label machines. The more you use it, the more uses you’ll discover for labeling and personalizing!
Compatible with the following models: GL-100, PT-1000, PT-1000BM, PT-1010, PT-1010B, PT-1010NB, PT-1010R, PT-1010S, PT-1090, PT-1090BK, PT-1100, PT1100SB, PT-1100SBVP, PT-1100ST, PT-1120, PT-1130, PT-1160, PT-1170, PT-1180, PT-1190, PT-11Q, PT-1200, PT-1230PC, PT-1280, PT-1280SR, PT-1280VP, PT-128AF, PT-1290, PT-1290BT, PT-1290BT2, PT-1290RS, PT-1300, PT-1400, PT-1500, PT-1500PC, PT-1600, PT-1700, PT-1750, PT-1800, PT-1810, PT-1830, PT-1830C, PT-1830SC, PT-1830VP, PT-1880C, PT-1880SC, PT-1880W, PT-1890C, PT-1890SC, PT-1890W, PT-18R, PT-18RKT, PT-1900, PT-1910, PT-1950, PT-1960, PT-200, PT-2030, PT-2030AD, PT-2030VP, PT-2100, PT-2110, PT-2200, PT-2210, PT-2300, PT-2310, PT-2400, PT-2410, PT-2430PC, PT-2500PC, PT-2600, PT-2610, PT-2700, PT-2710, PT-2730, PT-2730VP, PT-300, PT-300B, PT-310, PT-310B, PT-320, PT-330, PT-340, PT-350, PT-3600, PT-4000, PT-520, PT-530, PT-540, PT-550, PT-580C, PT-6100, PT-7100, PT-7500, PT-7600, PT-9200DX, PT-9200PC, PT-9400, PT-9500PC, PT-9600, PT-9700PC, PT-9800PCN, PT-D200, PT-D200BT, PT-D200DA, PT-D200G, PT-D200MA, PT-D200SA, PT-D210, PT-D400, PT-D400AD, PT-D400VP, PT-D450, PT-D600, PT-D600VP, PT-D800W, PT-E100, PT-E105, PT-E110, PT-E300, PT-E500, PT-E550W, PT-E800W, PT-H100, PT-H110, PT-H300, PT-H300LI, PT-H500LI, P-touch CUBE, Blue, P-touch CUBE, White, P-touch Embellish, PT-P700, PT-P750W, PT-P750WVP, PT-P900, PT-P900W, PT-P950NW, ST-1150, ST-1150DX, ST-5.